I'm a singer , multi- instrumentalist and coach with over 30 years performance experience as a musician in the UK & Europe. I like to focus on the lighter side of music and life, and am proud of the way I put my students at ease and help people feel good making music.
I've been coaching music at TCR Hub in Barnard Castle since 2017, and have a broad range of experience working as a coach in the UK and internationally.
About Me

I have a knack for making singing, playing the piano and reading music feel simple (because it is!) I'm passionate about helping people enjoy making music, because it helps us feel great. I love to sing, it makes me feel alive. I see my voice as a gift, as along with all the wonderful people I meet through my work in music.
I started singing and teaching professionally in my 30s after a career in corporate coaching and arts management. I started having my own singing lessons to explore something new after I finished my Master's Degree, which I studied for part time around my full time job- so I know what it's like to learn as an adult!
You can learn more about my inspiration for starting my music business on my blog. Basically, I found helping people make music to be much more fun than working in an office, and as my good friend Lynn says "You've only got one life!"
I'm really enjoying writing a book about singing at the moment, featuring inspirational stories from my studio and my musical travels, alongside practical tips to help you sound and feel great.
To be the first to know when it's available to buy and get fabulous singing tips in your inbox, come and join my email community below.
Feel Good Singing!
I'm here to help you feel good about your singing voice. For easy tips and inspiration straight to your inbox, sign up to receive my free email series below.
For more musical fun and events, come and connect with me over on the socials
Music for Mental Health
I know first hand that music changes our lives for the better, and it's my pleasure to share the brilliant health and happiness benefits of singing.
I'm happy to be neurodiverse (or as I sometimes call it, 'neurofabuous!') It's very helpful for making music, and some of my students are neurodiverse too. Whatever our differences are, I believe that music connects us.

As I said, I'm in the process of writing a book about singing, and a big part of it is the benefits it has for our mental health. Singing makes us smile, and connects us to each other, which are both very good things.
Everyone is welcome in my studio. It's a gift to work with such a wide range of people, and one of the best things about coaching is I learn new things from my students all the time.
Time Off
Relaxation is very important for good singing- so I take it very seriously! I love living in the countryside with my partner Richard and our daft dog Bee, the pug cross rescue. We all enjoy walks by the seaside, usually with fish & chips! What can I say, you can take the girl out of Fleetwood...! (a former fishing port in Lancashire where my family have a excellent set of fish & chip shops.)

My Dad John, my very favourite singer, at his volunteer post with the National Coastwatch in Fleetwood, Lancashire
To relax, I love listening to music on the radio (the proms on Radio 3 and Desert Island Discs are my favourites) whilst generally pottering about.
I love the simple pleasures in life- putting flowers in vases, watching birds in the garden, reading, and discovering a good charity shop where there is still vintage treasure to be found! (my favourite is the Red Cross)
Whilst I don't often attempt it during my upside down week (singing is generally an afternoon/evening thing), at weekends I like to cook things that are simple and yummy. I'm the queen of poached eggs (I have a special spoon for them) and 'everything in the fridge' soup/curry/chilli for hearty meals to keep me going during the week.
I love watching films on the sofa with Richard and the dog, and I'm usually not very far away from a nice cup of Earl Grey tea . To keep me and my voice healthy, I like doing Pilates, swimming, and getting sweaty lifting weights with my friends in the garden at Headlam Hall, watching the birds then reading an entire magazine in the hot tub (yes, they do get a bit soggy sometimes!)
I have a master's degree in medieval art history, and I'm slightly obsessed with old churches, Tewkesbury Abbey is one of my absolute favourites- it's dog friendly and it's even got it's own emotional support dogs, Eric and Flo!
One of my favourite things is singing with my friends at choir. In my experience, there's not many situations that can't be improved, even just a little bit, by belting out some tunes then having a nice cup of tea.
If you've thought about joining a choir, but want to boost your confidence before you go, why not come and join us in our friendly Facebook group Feel Good Singing With Rosie.