It's audition season at the moment, which is a big challenge for us singers. There are highs, and there are lows (or at least that's what they can feel like whilst we're learning)
Today I'm going to talk about the highs.
A little singer from my studio has got the part of Gretel in The Sound of Music. She's thrilled of course, and so am I.
I was so excited to received a video message of her saying simply 'I got in!', with a big gorgeous smile.
Seven of my students have got parts in the show, and lots more are going to have fun in the ensemble. I'm so proud of all of them.
I never know who is going to get a part, as I'm not the director (and only a little but psychic!)
But it's not my first rodeo, and I do know who has the potential to be successful given a fair wind.

Don't worry- be silly!
Time and time again, the ones who tend to be more successful are the ones who just do their best and have a go without too much thought to the outcome or the competition.
The ones who are genuinely grateful for the opportunity, and would be quite happy, delighted in fact, to get into the ensemble just for the fun of it.
The ones who say, "I might as well try," because at least it's a new experience, and there may even be cake!
So I know it's a really annoying thing to say, and not easy to do if you've been raised to 'be the best' rather than 'have some fun and see what happens'.
But just have some fun and see what happens. It will, invariably, be something good.
Happy Singing!
Rosie x
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